Seismic risk assessment in the Krasnodar Krai territory
1 Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geosciences, Russian Academy of Sciences
2 Federal Research Center “Geophysical Survey of Russian Academy of Sciences”
3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Journal: Problems of Engineering Seismology
Tome: 50
Number: 4
Year: 2023
Pages: 36-57
UDK: 624.131.1+551.252
DOI: 10.21455/VIS2023.4-3
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I.P N.I. Seismic risk assessment in the Krasnodar Krai territory // . 2023. Т. 50. № 4. С. 36-57. DOI: 10.21455/VIS2023.4-3
author = "Frolova
I.P, N. I.",
title = "Seismic risk assessment in the Krasnodar Krai territory",
journal = "Problems of Engineering Seismology",
year = 2023,
volume = "50",
number = "4",
pages = "36-57",
doi = "10.21455/VIS2023.4-3",
language = "English"
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Keywords: the “Extremum” system, seismic hazard, seismic regime, social and economic indicators of seismic risk, the Krasnodar Krai
Аnnotation: The paper has for its goal the updating of the information content of the Automated Information Management System of the Russian Unified Emergency Prevention and Response in order to increase the reliability of the results of seismic risk assessment and ensure the safety of the population in earthquake prone areas of the Russian Federation. The study area is the Krasnodar Krai, where according to review and detailed seismic zoning the possible source zones with Мmax = 5.0, Мmax = 5.5, Мmax = 6 and Мmax = 7 were identified. The relevance of this study follows from the activation of seismicity in recent years on the considered area according to the registration by the Geophysical Survey of RAS network of seismic events within a wide range of magnitudes with М ≥ 1, as well as a series of felt earthquakes in May 2023 in the Tuapse region. Scientific novelty is due to the fact that for the first time in the study of a single region the results of all stages of the study are presented. Estimates of seismic hazard and seismic regime are refined on the basis of the analysis of moderate events with magnitudes in the range of M = 3.3–4.5 from the beginning of the last century to the present, the seismic risk indicators are computed at regional and urban levels. For the first time, we did a joint analysis of all obtained variables. Methods of computer simulation were used to assess the risk parameters along with the “Extremum” GIS developed with the participation of the authors of this article. Maps of seismic risk social and economic indicators were constructed for the Krasnodar Krai territory, as well as for the Krasnodar City territory, taking into account the updated data on the city building inventory.