Seismic hazard assessment for the territory of Uzbekistan
Institute of Seismology named after G.A. Mavlyanov, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Journal: Problems of Engineering Seismology
Tome: 50
Number: 4
Year: 2023
Pages: 5–24
UDK: 550.34
DOI: 10.21455/VIS2023.4-1
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Sh.I V.A. Seismic hazard assessment for the territory of Uzbekistan // . 2023. Т. 50. № 4. С. 5–24. DOI: 10.21455/VIS2023.4-1
author = "Ismailov
Sh.I, V. A.",
title = "Seismic hazard assessment for the territory of Uzbekistan",
journal = "Problems of Engineering Seismology",
year = 2023,
volume = "50",
number = "4",
pages = "5–24",
doi = "10.21455/VIS2023.4-1",
language = "English"
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Keywords: seismic risk, seismic hazard, cadastral value of a building, seismic vulnerability, economic damage, seismic impact, Uzbekistan
Аnnotation: The study is devoted to assessing and mapping seismic risk for Uzbekistan, limited by expected losses from damage to residential buildings. The territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan (especially in the central, southern and eastern parts) is located in seismically active zones and is fully susceptible to tangible seismic impacts. According to historical and instrumental data, earthquakes were recorded on the territory of the republic, causing tremors of 7–9 points on the MSK-64 scale. Consequently, these areas are highly likely to experience similar events in the future and may experience economic, social and environmental consequences. When developing a seismic risk map for the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the positive experience of existing advanced assessment and mapping methodologies used in Germany, Italy, Russia, Moldova, and Armenia was taken into account. The developed seismic risk map is based on an assessment of probable economic damage within administrative regions, taking into account factors of seismic hazard, seismic vulnerability and concentration of values. The level of seismic hazard used in the calculations of physical and economic damage corresponds to a 90% probability of non-exceedance of seismic impacts within 50 years, which corresponds to an average return period of 475 years; this level of probability is the generally accepted standard for assessing seismic hazard in the design and construction of conventional buildings and structures. To develop a seismic risk map for the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, several databases based on GIS platforms have been created, which allow systematizing and assessing the regional distribution of information on seismic hazard, the number of buildings and their structural types, the seismic vulnerability coefficient of buildings and built-up areas, the cadastral value of buildings, etc. The study only covers the assessment of direct economic losses that may be caused by structural damage to residential buildings as a result of seismic impacts. However, given that it is residential buildings that predominate in the development of cities and administrative regions of Uzbekistan, the presented results can be useful for a comparative analysis of seismic risk in various administrative regions of the country.