Problems of Engineering Seismology: article

Seismic effect of mass explosions during the underground mining of the Korobkovsky iron ore deposit on the buildings and population of the city of Gubkin
V.I. Kulikov Z.Z. Sharafiev
Sadovsky Institute of Geosphere Dynamics of Russian Academy of Sciences
Journal: Problems of Engineering Seismology
Tome: 49
Number: 4
Year: 2022
Pages: 79-90
UDK: 622.235
DOI: 10.21455/VIS2022.4-5
Keywords: blasting safety, seismic vibrations, maximum ground velocity, isoseist of mass explosions, impact of seismic vibrations on people
Аnnotation: The results of monitoring of the seismic effect on the city of Gubkin of mass explosions during the explosive breaking of iron ore in Gubkin mine. The dependence of the maximum velocity of oscillations in a seismic explosive wave on the reduced (according to the mass of the explosive in the deceleration stage) hypocentral distance to the explosive chamber is obtained. For one of the massive explosions, an isoseist map was constructed, demonstrating the intensity of the seismic effect on the residential areas of the city. Taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents and the duration of seismic and explosive vibrations, estimates of the permissible and maximum permissible velocities of seismic vibrations for the population have been obtained.