Problems of Engineering Seismology: article

Structure of the Vladikavkaz fault zone from the results of comprehensive study by geological and geophysical methods
A. Gorbatikov
A. Ovsyuchenko
E. Rogozhin
M. Stepanova
N. Larin
Journal: Problems of Engineering Seismology
Tome: 37
Number: 3
Year: 2010
Pages: 36-44
Keywords: tectonics, recent activity, seismicity, the Earth crust, faults, weakened zones, geologo-morphological analysis, satellite data, image interpretation, lineaments, tectonic break, microseismic field of the Earth, surface type seismic waves, microseismic sounding
Аnnotation: Structure of the Vladikavkaz fault zone from the results of comprehensive study by geological and geophysical methods