Seismic instruments: article

Use of the Baer–Kradolfer algorithm to automatically de-tect the first arrival of a reflected ultrasonic wave excited by the emitter and recorded from the water-oil boundary in the separator
A.V. Anchugov 1,2
1 Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2 Scieten Technologies LLC
Journal: Seismic instruments
Tome: 59
Number: 3
Year: 2023
Pages: 5–17
UDK: 550.8.08
DOI: 10.21455/si2023.3-1
Full text
Keywords: Baer–Kradolfer algorithm, ultrasonic transducer, first arrival, reflected wave, oil displacement, rock core
Аnnotation: The article discusses the use of the Baer–Kradolfer algorithm to automatically pick the time of the first arrival of reflected waves from the water-oil interface. At the same time, waves propagate in an ultrasonic separator used to measure the volume of released fluid during a laboratory filtration experiment to displace oil with water. The experiment is carried out under reservoir conditions on columns of rock core samples. A piezoelectric transducer is used to excite and record the ultrasonic waves. Using this algorithm, the stability of the measuring system and the accuracy of accounting for the volume of displaced fluid from core samples have significantly im-proved.