Geophysical research: article

M.N. Nikitenko I.A. Bredikhin I.V. Mikhaylov A.A. Fedoseev
Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS
Journal: Geophysical research
Tome: 25
Number: 2
Year: 2024
Pages: 65-78
UDK: 550.837, 551.34, 504.064.3
DOI: 10.21455/gr2024.2-4
Full text
Keywords: pulsed sounding, electromagnetic monitoring, environmental geophysics, cryolithozone, apparent electrical resistivity, signal transformation.
Аnnotation: In connection with the ongoing global climate changes, the timely study of cryolithozone objects is extremely important to prevent potential natural and man-made disasters. Geophysical methods are also widely used to study permafrost strata. Transformation of sounding data into apparent electrical resistivity is a standard procedure for electromagnetic methods for studying the geological environment, allowing one to quickly obtain general information about its structure. The measurement system for pulsed electromagnetic monitoring of the cryolithozone considered in the article consists of sets of field sources and receivers mounted inside non-conductive housings and immersed in two different wells. A method is proposed for converting pulsed sounding data into apparent resistivity for all re-cording times. The transformation algorithm is based on the selection of such a resistivity of a homogeneous conducting half-space so that the signal for this resistivity corresponds to the measured signal. To create an algo-rithm, the behavior of signals was studied and their transformations in half-spaces with an arbitrary resistivity were constructed. Examples are given for determining apparent resistivity in models of thawing of the upper layer of frozen rock for different distances between wells. It is shown that at early times, when the signal in-creases to its maximum value and becomes measurable, the apparent resistivity qualitatively describes the geoelectric model, while the resistivity of the thawed layer is determined accurately. The obtained apparent resistivities are necessary for understanding how deep the thawing occurred, and they also make it possible to con-struct a reliable starting model for subsequent inversion of pulsed sounding data with precise spatial localization of the boundary between frozen and thawed rocks.
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