Yushkin Institute of Geology of Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Journal: Geophysical research
Tome: 25
Number: 1
Year: 2024
Pages: 5-27
UDK: 550.835.24; 550.389.1
DOI: 10.21455/gr2024.1-1
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// . 2024. Т. 25. № 1. С. 5-27. DOI: 10.21455/gr2024.1-1
author = "Magomedova
V.V, A. Sh.",
journal = "Geophysical research",
year = 2024,
volume = "25",
number = "1",
pages = "5-27",
doi = "10.21455/gr2024.1-1",
language = "English"
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Keywords: Middle Timan, Vol’sko-Vymskoe uplift, Chetlasskoe uplift, magnetic anomalies, kimberlite pipes, radon survey, volumetric radon activity
Аnnotation: The article presents results of an express radon survey on the territory of the Timan Ridge. The objects of study were kimberlite pipes and local anomalies of the Middle Timan similar to them in the magnetic field. In the course of the study, maps of the magnetic field of various scales were used, where the identification and sorting out of magnetic anomalies similar to the tube-type bodies were carried out. Magnetic anomalies were distin-guished by such qualitative characteristics as location, shape, size, sign, intensity, gradient. Magnetometric and radon surveys were carried out to study the explosion pipes and magnetic anomalies. Magnetometric observa-tions were performed along a network of profiles in order to detect and determine the contour of the anomaly. The method of radiometric studies consisted of crossing the magnetic anomaly with a profile passing through three observation points – center, edge, behind the contour. Radiometric measurements were conducted within the Umbinskaya, Srednenskaya, Vodorazdelnaya and the Verkhnemezenskaya series of explosion pipes as a result of which increased values of volumetric radon activity (VRA) were detected above the pipes. Thus, radon survey can be used as an additional search criterion included in the complex of geophysical works.
During the zoning of the magnetic field according to morphology, sections were identified on various tec-tonic structures of the Middle Timan, within which radiometric studies of 68 magnetic anomalies were carried out. Moreover, 23 of the considered anomalies were characterized by increased VRA values. These anomalies, in turn, were divided into two promising categories that are of interest for further study. The first category includes anomalies with VRA values of more than 1000 Bq/m3, the second category includes anomalies with VRA values from 450 to 1000 Bq/m3. This scatter of VRA values is associated, first of all, with the geological and tectonic position of the structure.
The identified promising anomalies are very close in morphology to the pipe type, and geologically they can be caused by small intrusive bodies or explosion pipes. However, not only explosion pipes can be character-ized by the high VRA values, but also individual magnetic anomalies, which correspond to dikes and rocks of basic, ultrabasic, alkaline composition, as well as rocks enriched in radioelements. When setting tasks for studying magnetic anomalies in order to search for explosion pipes, first of all, it is necessary to sort out such anomalies according to their location in the studied tectonic structures, shape, and intensity.
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Seminskii K.Zh., Bobrov A.A., Radon activity of faults (Western Baikal and Southern Angara areas), Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2009, vol. 50, no. 8, pp. 682-692. DOI: 10.1016/j.rgg.2008.12.010
Seminskii K.Zh., Bobrov A.A., Olenchenko V.V., Electrical resistivity tomography and radon survey of kimber-lite-containing fault zones on Alakit–Markhinsky field in Western Yakutia: practical experience, Kri-osfera Zemli (Earth's cryosphere), 2017, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 3-12. [In Russian]. DOI: 10.21782/KZ1560-7496-2017-3(3-12)
Seminskii K.Zh., Bornyakov S.A., Bobrov A.A., Shagun A.N., Experience of using electrical tomography, radon survey and microseismic sounding in search for pipes controlled by fault zones, Geodinamika i tektono-fizika (Geodynamics and Tectonophysics), 2020, vol. 11, iss. 2, pp. 431-446. [In Russian]. DOI: 10.5800/
Seminskii K.Zh., Cheremnykh A.V., Bobrov A.A., Kozhevnikov N.O., The fault zones of the Baikal region: the internal structure and geophysical fields, in Tektonofizika i aktual'nye voprosy nauk o Zemle: K 40-letiju sozdanija M.V. Gzovskim laboratorii tektonofiziki v IFZ RAN: Materialy dokladov Vserossijskoj konfe-rencii (Tectonophysics and topical issues of Earth Sciences: To the 40th anniversary of the creation of the Laboratory of Tectonophysics by M.V. Gzovsky at the IFZ RAS: Materials of reports of the All-Russian Conference), Moscow, IFZ RAN, 2009, vol. 2, pp. 151-156. [In Russian].
Udoratin V.V., Ezimova Yu.E., Magomedova A.Sh., Volumetric activity of radon within fault zones of Kirov-Kazhim and Pechora-Kolvin aulacogens, Litosfera (Lithosphere), 2017, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 136-152.
[In Russian].
Udoratin V.V., Ezimova Yu.E., Magomedova A.Sh., Radonovaya s"emka dlya kartirovaniya razlomnykh zon Timano-Severoural'skogo regiona (Radon survey for mapping fault zones of the Timan-North Ural re-gion), Syktyvkar, IG FRC Komi SC UB RAS, 2021, 153 p. [In Russian]. DOI: 10.19110/89606-020
Utkin V.I., Yurkov A.K., Radon as a tracer of tectonic movements, Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2010, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 220-227. DOI: 10.1016/j.rgg.2009.12.022
Zlokazov A.A., Lavrova T.Yu., Tsyganov V.A., Otchet o provedenii vysokotochnoi kompleksnoi aerogeofizi-cheskoi s"emki (aeromagnitometriya, aeroelektrorazvedka v modifikatsii dipol'nogo induktivnogo profil-irovaniya – DIP-A, aerogamma-spektrometriya) masshtaba 1:10 000 dlya resheniya zadach poiskov margantsa, boksitov, redkikh metallov, almazov, zolota v raione Chetlasskogo Kamnya na ploshchadi 1500 km2. Listy Q-39-XXXIII, XXXIV, XXVII (Report on the high-precision complex aerogeophysical survey (aeromagnetometry, aeroelectronic exploration in the modification of dipole inductive profiling – DIP-A, aerogamma spectrometry) on a scale of 1:10000 to solve the problems of searching for manganese, bauxite, rare metals, diamonds, gold in the area of the Chetlas Stone on an area of 1500 km2. Sheets Q-39-XXXIII, XXXIV, XXVII), Moscow, Federal State Institution NPP “Aerogeofizika”, 2001, 146 p. [In Russian].
Zlokazov A.A., Samokhin A.A., Tsyganov V.A., Otchet o provedenii vysokotochnoi kompleksnoi aerogeofizi-cheskoi s"emki masshtaba 1:10000 dlya resheniya zadach poiskov korennykh istochnikov almazov v severnoi chasti Vol'sko-Vymskoi gryady. Listy Q-39-115-V,G, -116-V,G, -128-A,B,V,G, -129-A,B,V,G (Re-port on the high-precision integrated airborne geophysical survey at a scale of 1:10000 to solve the prob-lems of searching for primary sources of diamonds in the northern part of the Volsk-Vymskaya ridge. Sheets Q-39-115-V,G, -116-V,G, -128-A,B,C,D, -129-A,B,C,D), Moscow, Federal State Institution NPP “Aerogeofizika”, 2001, 107 p. [In Russian].
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Getsen V.G., Dedeev V.A., Zaporozhtseva I.V., Kuznetsov A.G., Malyshev N.A., Ryzhov I.N., Timonin N.I., Udot G.D., Yudin V.V., Struktura platformennogo chehla Evropejskogo Severa SSSR (The structure of the platform cover of the European North of the USSR), Leningrad, Nauka, 1982, 200 p. [In Russian].
Kilyakov A.V., Developmental history of emanation method and its role in oil geology at the present stage,
Izvestija Saratovskogo universiteta Novaja serija. Serija Nauki o Zemle (Izvestiya Saratov University New series. Earth Science Series), 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2, pp. 57-60. [In Russian].
Kiselev G.P., Danilov K.B., Yakovlev E.Yu., Druzhinin S.V., Radiometric and seismic nvestigation of the Chidvinskaya kimberlite pipe (Arkhangelsk diamondiferous province), Vestnik KRAUNC. Serija: Nauki o Zemle (Herald of KRAUNTS. Earth Science Series), 2016, no. 2, iss. 30, pp. 43-53. [In Russian].
Kozitskii V.A., Kuz’min Yu.D., Torubarov A.R., Men’shov V.V., Ol’shevskaya E.D., Otchet o rezul'tatakh aero-geofizicheskoi s"emki masshtaba 1:50000, vypolnennoi Timanskoi partiei v 1970 godu v severnoi chasti Yuzhnogo Timana (v dvukh tomakh) (Report on the results of the 1:50000 scale aerogeophysical survey carried out by the Timan Party in 1970 in the northern part of South Timan (in two volumes)), Le¬ningrad, Ministry of Geology Ukhta Territorial Geological Department Funds Department, 1971, 161 p. [In Rus-sian].
Kutinov Yu.G., Chistova Z.B., Ierarhicheskij rjad projavlenij shhelochno-ul'traosnovnogo magmatizma Ar-hangel'skoj almazonosnoj provincii. Ih otrazhenie v geologo-geofizicheskih materialah (Hierarchical se-ries of manifestations of alkaline-ultrabasic magmatism of the Arkhangelsk diamond-bearing province. Their reflection in geological and geophysical materials), Arkhangelsk, IPP the Truth of the North, JSC, 2004, 283 p. [In Russian].
Magomedova A.Sh., Udoratin V.V., Ezimova Yu.E., Detailed studies of local magnetic anomalies of Middle Timan, Izvestija Komi NC UrO RAN (Izvestiya Komi SC UB RAS), 2017, no. 4(32), pp. 49-59. [In
Miklyaev P.S., Scientific basis for assessing the potential radon hazard of platform regions, Doctoral Sci. (Geol-Mineral.) Dissertation, Moscow, E.M. Sergeev Institute of Geoecology of the Russian Academy of Sci-ences, 2015, 307 p. [In Russian].
Neri M., Ferrera E., Giammanco S., Currenti G., Cirrincione R., Patane G., Zanon V., Soil radon measurements as a potential tracer of tectonic and volcanic activity, Scientific Reports, 2016, vol. 6, 12 p. https://doi: 10.1038/srep24581
Seminskii K.Zh., Bobrov A.A., Radon activity of faults (Western Baikal and Southern Angara areas), Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2009, vol. 50, no. 8, pp. 682-692. DOI: 10.1016/j.rgg.2008.12.010
Seminskii K.Zh., Bobrov A.A., Olenchenko V.V., Electrical resistivity tomography and radon survey of kimber-lite-containing fault zones on Alakit–Markhinsky field in Western Yakutia: practical experience, Kri-osfera Zemli (Earth's cryosphere), 2017, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 3-12. [In Russian]. DOI: 10.21782/KZ1560-7496-2017-3(3-12)
Seminskii K.Zh., Bornyakov S.A., Bobrov A.A., Shagun A.N., Experience of using electrical tomography, radon survey and microseismic sounding in search for pipes controlled by fault zones, Geodinamika i tektono-fizika (Geodynamics and Tectonophysics), 2020, vol. 11, iss. 2, pp. 431-446. [In Russian]. DOI: 10.5800/
Seminskii K.Zh., Cheremnykh A.V., Bobrov A.A., Kozhevnikov N.O., The fault zones of the Baikal region: the internal structure and geophysical fields, in Tektonofizika i aktual'nye voprosy nauk o Zemle: K 40-letiju sozdanija M.V. Gzovskim laboratorii tektonofiziki v IFZ RAN: Materialy dokladov Vserossijskoj konfe-rencii (Tectonophysics and topical issues of Earth Sciences: To the 40th anniversary of the creation of the Laboratory of Tectonophysics by M.V. Gzovsky at the IFZ RAS: Materials of reports of the All-Russian Conference), Moscow, IFZ RAN, 2009, vol. 2, pp. 151-156. [In Russian].
Udoratin V.V., Ezimova Yu.E., Magomedova A.Sh., Volumetric activity of radon within fault zones of Kirov-Kazhim and Pechora-Kolvin aulacogens, Litosfera (Lithosphere), 2017, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 136-152.
[In Russian].
Udoratin V.V., Ezimova Yu.E., Magomedova A.Sh., Radonovaya s"emka dlya kartirovaniya razlomnykh zon Timano-Severoural'skogo regiona (Radon survey for mapping fault zones of the Timan-North Ural re-gion), Syktyvkar, IG FRC Komi SC UB RAS, 2021, 153 p. [In Russian]. DOI: 10.19110/89606-020
Utkin V.I., Yurkov A.K., Radon as a tracer of tectonic movements, Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2010, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 220-227. DOI: 10.1016/j.rgg.2009.12.022
Zlokazov A.A., Lavrova T.Yu., Tsyganov V.A., Otchet o provedenii vysokotochnoi kompleksnoi aerogeofizi-cheskoi s"emki (aeromagnitometriya, aeroelektrorazvedka v modifikatsii dipol'nogo induktivnogo profil-irovaniya – DIP-A, aerogamma-spektrometriya) masshtaba 1:10 000 dlya resheniya zadach poiskov margantsa, boksitov, redkikh metallov, almazov, zolota v raione Chetlasskogo Kamnya na ploshchadi 1500 km2. Listy Q-39-XXXIII, XXXIV, XXVII (Report on the high-precision complex aerogeophysical survey (aeromagnetometry, aeroelectronic exploration in the modification of dipole inductive profiling – DIP-A, aerogamma spectrometry) on a scale of 1:10000 to solve the problems of searching for manganese, bauxite, rare metals, diamonds, gold in the area of the Chetlas Stone on an area of 1500 km2. Sheets Q-39-XXXIII, XXXIV, XXVII), Moscow, Federal State Institution NPP “Aerogeofizika”, 2001, 146 p. [In Russian].
Zlokazov A.A., Samokhin A.A., Tsyganov V.A., Otchet o provedenii vysokotochnoi kompleksnoi aerogeofizi-cheskoi s"emki masshtaba 1:10000 dlya resheniya zadach poiskov korennykh istochnikov almazov v severnoi chasti Vol'sko-Vymskoi gryady. Listy Q-39-115-V,G, -116-V,G, -128-A,B,V,G, -129-A,B,V,G (Re-port on the high-precision integrated airborne geophysical survey at a scale of 1:10000 to solve the prob-lems of searching for primary sources of diamonds in the northern part of the Volsk-Vymskaya ridge. Sheets Q-39-115-V,G, -116-V,G, -128-A,B,C,D, -129-A,B,C,D), Moscow, Federal State Institution NPP “Aerogeofizika”, 2001, 107 p. [In Russian].