1 Novosibirsk State University
2 Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Journal: Geophysical research
Tome: 24
Number: 1
Year: 2023
Pages: 61-73
UDK: 550.837.31+550.837.81+539.26
DOI: 10.21455/gr2023.1-4
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// . 2023. Т. 24. № 1. С. 61-73. DOI: 10.21455/gr2023.1-4
author = "Ermolaev
V.V, K. A.",
journal = "Geophysical research",
year = 2023,
volume = "24",
number = "1",
pages = "61-73",
doi = "10.21455/gr2023.1-4",
language = "English"
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Keywords: electrical resistivity tomography, induced polarization, hearths, archaeological geophysics.
Аnnotation: The paper discusses anomalies that occur in electrical fields above the deposits of hearths. Hearths are an im-portant object of search during archaeological work and are traditionally distinguished by the positive anomaly of magnetic field induction. However, magnetic measurements are not available on every site, in addition, pos-itive magnetic anomalies are caused not only from hearth’s deposits. In the 60s of the last century, it was es-tablished that the hearths can be detected using the induced polarization method (IP), but the technique was not developed due to the imperfection of the equipment of those years. Currently, the use of multi-electrode multichannel electrical exploration stations makes it possible to quickly obtain information about the distribution of electrical properties and restore the three-dimensional geoelectric structures.
In the presented study, geoelectric anomalies from the hearths were studied, their nature was clarified, and the possibility of using the electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) method to search for such objects was evaluated. As a result, by the example of fieldwork and experimental measurements, it is shown that the hearths create an intense anomaly of induced polarization and is distinguished by a very low electrical resistiv-ity. In addition, the boundaries of the hearth are well distinguished on the maps of the normalized chargeability distribution. To study the nature of geoelectrical anomalies, X-ray phase analysis and measurements of in-duced polarization, electrical resistivity, and magnetic susceptibility were carried out on rock samples from the hearths. An analysis of the results showed that the cause of the anomaly of low electrical resistivity, as well as the anomaly of polarizability, is the content of X-ray amorphous carbon in the deposits of the fire in the form of soot, but not magnetite. It is recommended to use the method of electrical resistivity tomography with the measurement of induced polarization to search for hearths during archaeological research.
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Gurin G.V., Tarasov A.V., Il'in Y.T., Titov K.V., Ore volumetric content from induced polarization data, Vest-nik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Nauki o Zemle (Reporter of Saint Petersburg State University. Earth sciences), 2014, no. 3, pp. 4-19. [In Russian].
Jordanova N., Jordanova D., Mokreva A., Ishlyamski D., Georgieva B., Temporal changes in magnetic signal of burnt soils – A compelling three years pilot study, Science of The Total Environment, 2019, vol. 669, pp. 729-738.
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Komarov V.A., Fokin A.F., Frantov G.S., On the application of the method of induced polarization in the ar-chaeological search for charcoal fires, Sovetskaya arkheologiya (Soviet Archaeology), 1967, no. 1, pp. 301-304. [In Russian].
Lesmes D.P., Frye K.M., Influence of pore fluid chemistry on the complex conductivity and induced polariza-tion responses of Berea sandstones, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2001, vol. 106, pp. 4079-4090.
Loke M.H., Tutorial: 2-D and 3-D electrical imaging surveys, Malaysia, Geotomo Software, 2021, 232 p.
Magiera T., Zogała B., Szuszkiewicz M., Pierwoła J., Szuszkiewicz M.M., Combination of different geophysi-cal techniques for the location of historical waste in the Izery Mountains (SW Poland), Science of the To-tal Environment, 2019, vol. 682, pp. 226-238.
Markin S.V., Antipov A.S., Iskra cave – a site of the final stage of the Upper Paleolithic of the Northwestern Altai, Vestnik Novosibirskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Seriya: Istoriya, Filologiya (Reporter of Novosibirsk State University. Series: History, Philology), 2012, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 81-93. [In Russian].
Matasova G.G., Olenchenko V.V., Kazanskii A.Yu., Grain size, magnetic and electrical features of subaerial cover deposits in the territory of Akademgorodok in Novosibirsk city, Geofizicheskii zhurnal (Geophysi-cal Journal), 2012, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 177-192. [In Russian].
Shnaider S.V., Zhilich S.V., Fedorchenko A.Yu., Rendyu U., Parkhomchuk E.V., Alisher kyzy S., Olenchen-ko V.V., Tsibizov L.V., Serdyuk N.V., Zelenkov N.V., Chargynov T., Krivoshapkin A.I., Surungur – new Early Holocene archaeological site in Fergana valley, Stratum plyus. Arkheologiya i kul'turnaya an-tropologiya (Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology), 2021, vol. 2, pp. 319-337. [In Rus-sian].