Problems of Engineering Seismology: article

Study of the relationships between peak ground accelerations in the near-fault zones of strong earthquakes and the magnitudes and distances from the source on large data sets (verification of regulatory formulas of SP 286.1325800.2016 “Construction facilities of increased responsibility. Rules for detailed seismic zonation”)
E.V. Descherevskaya O.V. Pavlenko
Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Journal: Problems of Engineering Seismology
Tome: 51
Number: 4
Year: 2024
Pages: 32-44
UDK: 550.343
DOI: 10.21455/VIS2024.4-3
Keywords: SP 286.1325800.2016, regulatory formulas, rules for detailed seismic zonation, strong motion, peak ground accelerations
Аnnotation: To verify the regulatory formulas of SP 286.1325800.2016, records obtained by stations of K-NET and KiK-net strong motion networks in Japan were studied. Peak ground accelerations recorded during strong earthquakes with magnitudes in the ranges 6.6–6.7, 6.8–7.0 and 7.1–7.3 were compared with peak ground accelerations calculated by SP formulas. Large scattering of experimental values of accelerations was obtained for fixed magnitudes and distances from the source, associated with the dependence of peak ground accelerations also on the source and path characteristics (i.e., spatial orientation of the fault plane and slip distribution on it, stress drop, source spectrum, frequency-dependent Q-value, local frequency-dependent amplification, soil response, effects of surface topography and topography of internal boundaries, etc.). Calculations based on the normative formulas of SP fall on clouds of experimental data, but significantly underestimate peak ground accelerations, especially in the source and near-source zones. The normative formulas of SP provide only approximate estimates that can be used as reference ones, but in practice, especially for facilities of increased responsibility, more reliable methods for estimating peak ground accelerations and other parameters of motion on the surface should be used, that take into account regional features and recurrent periods of earthquakes and contain elements of probabilistic analysis.