Problems of Engineering Seismology: article

An approach for remote control of destructive processes by low-amplitude seismic signals during service of large industrial facilities
A.V. Liseikin V.S. Seleznev
Seismological Branch of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Journal: Problems of Engineering Seismology
Tome: 51
Number: 3
Year: 2024
Pages: 86-106
UDK: 550.348.422
DOI: 10.21455/VIS2024.3-5
Keywords: low-amplitude seismic signals, remote control of destructive processes
Аnnotation: For remote control of destructive processes during service of large industrial facilities, we developed a low-cost approach for their reliable detection. It is based on the monitoring data of low-amplitude seismic signals. The source material is data from long-term real-time monitoring by highly sensitive instruments of seismic stations in the vicinity (up to 30 km) of the study object. In the technogenic component of seismic noise, low-amplitude signals are recorded as responses from mechanical vibrations (vibration of operating equipment, natural vibrations of buildings and technical structures) of various objects. Such oscillations are characterized by certain frequencies and duration in time, it allows separate the signals of some sources contained in seismic noise from others and increase the signal-to-noise ratio. Based on the results of long-term monitoring, a retrospective data analysis is performed and, on its basis, anomalous changes in the frequencies and amplitudes of low-amplitude signals associated with destructive processes at the facility are determined. This accounting increases the reliability of monitoring the stability of structures and operating equipment in real time, which is urgently needed to prevent destruction and analyze the causes of emergency situations.