Problems of Engineering Seismology: article

Deep tectonic structure and the latest geodynamics in the area of the Lake Manych-Gudilo in the region of the 2001 Salsky earthquake
N.G. Koshevoy M.Yu. Stepanova A.V. Gorbatikov N.V. Andreeva, Yu.V. Kharazova
Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences
Journal: Problems of Engineering Seismology
Tome: 51
Number: 3
Year: 2024
Pages: 72-85
UDK: 550.34, 551.24
DOI: 10.21455/VIS2024.3-4
Keywords: deep structure of the earthquake source, microseismic sounding method, earthquake focal mechanism, the Manych deflection
Аnnotation: The area of the Salsk earthquake of 2001 is an example of a region with weak seismicity, where identification of seismic generating structures is a problem due to insufficient earthquake statistics. Application of a complex of methods including structural geomorphological analysis, computer interpretation, morphometric method, method of microseismic sounding, and computer three-dimensional geological modeling allowed: 1) To identify regional disjunctive faults; 2) To formulate a reasonable assumption about the presence of a fault extending along the Manych River and having right-lateral shear kinematics. On the basis of morphometric method, it is shown that the movement of blocks along this fault has led to neotectonic activation of some areas; 3) To detect the disjunction to which the hypocenter of the Salsk earthquake of 2001 is confined; 4) To compare the areas of maximum areas of compression with the epicenters of earthquakes and evaluate the prospects of predictive capabilities of the model.