Problems of Engineering Seismology: article

Spectral characteristics of ambient noise and shear waves of earthquakes in the Baikal rift
Ts.A. Tubanov A.N. Besedina P.A. Predein
Dobretsov Geological Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Journal: Problems of Engineering Seismology
Tome: 51
Number: 1
Year: 2024
Pages: 50-65
UDK: 550.34.016
DOI: 10.21455/VIS2024.1-4
Keywords: seismic ambient noise, shear waves, seismic network, spectral characteristics, seismic network sensitivity, broadband station, earthquake
Аnnotation: Comparison of the spectral characteristics of ground vibrations from earthquakes with the level of seismic ambient noise in a wide range of periods makes it possible to assess the possibilities of seismic networks, taking into account the local conditions for the location of seismic stations. Based on the probabilistic approach, which allows one to estimate the statistical parameters of seismic variations in the frequency domain, a model of seismic ambient noise for the southeastern shore of Lake Baikal was developed. The study of the spectral characteristics of seismic waves was carried out on the basis of records of earthquakes in the Baikal rift zone with 3.5 ≤ M ≤ 6.9 that occurred during 2017–2022. The spectral characteristics of shear waves from earthquakes were calculated using bandpass filtering in non-overlapping octave bands. Comparison of the calculated spectral characteristics of seismic vibrations from earthquakes with seismic ambient noise model made it possible to evaluate the possibilities of three broadband seismic stations. The described approach can be used to select the equipment that is optimal in terms of its characteristics, taking into account the local conditions for the location of stations.