Assessing the energy class completeness of the Yakutia regional seismic network
1 Yakutia Branch of the Federal Research Center “Geophysical Survey of Russian Academy of Sciences”
2 Institute of the Earth’s Crust of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 Buryat Branch of the Federal Research Center “Geophysical Survey of Russian Academy of Sciences”
Journal: Problems of Engineering Seismology
Tome: 50
Number: 3
Year: 2023
Pages: 5–16
UDK: 550.34.012
DOI: 10.21455/VIS2023.3-1
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N.A R.M. Assessing the energy class completeness of the Yakutia regional seismic network // . 2023. Т. 50. № 3. С. 5–16. DOI: 10.21455/VIS2023.3-1
author = "Tuktarov
N.A, R. M.",
title = "Assessing the energy class completeness of the Yakutia regional seismic network",
journal = "Problems of Engineering Seismology",
year = 2023,
volume = "50",
number = "3",
pages = "5–16",
doi = "10.21455/VIS2023.3-1",
language = "English"
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Keywords: earthquake catalogue, completeness energy class, seismic network, Yakutia
Аnnotation: The results on assessing the earthquakes completeness of the regional seismic station network of the Yakutia branch of the Federal Research Center “Geophysical Survey of Russian Academy of Sciences” are presented. The completeness map has been built according to the plots of seismic event detection range for each station for 2013–2021. The regional network throughout the territory in the area of responsibility of the Yakutia branch registers earthquakes with KR ≥ 11 without omission; on 96% of the area, the completeness energy class is KR = 10. Half of the entire area is included in the zone of completeness class KR = 8. The minimum completeness class KR = 6 was found in local areas near Yakutsk, which is less than 0.6% of the entire territory. In addition to the map, the completeness of the earthquake catalog was assessed by the “bend” of the recurrence graph in the lower energy classes for three seismically active regions: the Southern, Eastern, and Northern sectors of the epicentral field. The Southern and Eastern sectors are characterized by the completeness class KR = 7, and the catalog for the Northern sector is heterogeneous due to the mixing of data obtained by the regional and temporary local networks.