Problems of Engineering Seismology: article

On the development of regional equations for forecasting ground movement (on the example of the Baikal region)
S.A. Peretokin 1,2 V.A. Mironov 2 V.V. Chechelnitsky 3 A.D. Zavyalov 1 N.S. Medvedeva 1 K.N. Akatova 1
1 Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences 2 Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies 3 Baikal Branch of the Geophysical Survey of Russian Academy of Sciences
Journal: Problems of Engineering Seismology
Tome: 50
Number: 1
Year: 2023
Pages: 50-70
UDK: 550.349
DOI: 10.21455/VIS2023.1-4
Keywords: earthquake, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA), seismic attenuation, ground motion prediction equation (GMPE), PGA, PGV, response spectra
Аnnotation: The article is devoted to the results of the first stage of research on the development of regional ground motion prediction equations (GMPE) for the territory of the Russian Federation, which determine the magnitude of impact on a particular site from earthquakes of different magnitudes at different distances from the source. At present there are no regional GMPE for the Russian Federation territories, which allow to make seismic hazard assessments in numerical ground motion characteristics: peak accelerations PGA, peak velocities PGV and response spectrum amplitudes SA. The lack of research on the development of regional GMPEs does not allow us to take a step toward transition from the obsolete system of seismic hazard assessment in macroseismic points to numerical characteristics directly used in calculating the seismic resistance of future construction facilities. The construction of a regional GMPE is not a trivial, labor-intensive task, requiring a large volume of seismic monitoring data over a long observation period. The article presents an approach to constructing the GMPE by the example of the Baikal seismic active region. It is based on the method proposed in [Boore et al., 2014], because it is more suitable for consideration in terms of the composition of the parameters present in the model. The records of earthquakes of 2003–2004 with energy classes K = 11–12, registered by the network of seismic stations of the Baykal branch of the FIC UGS RAS (BAGSR, served as the information base of this work. The computational algorithms and criteria for forming a regional database of strong motions are described in detail in the article. The procedure for determining the parameters of the regional GMPE is described step by step. Comparison of the obtained GMPE with GMPE of other researchers was carried out, which showed that for PGA, PGV intensities the developed model gives lower values of amplitudes, but similar character of attenuation. The implemented algorithms and programs allow, in the presence of initial data, to form regional GMPEs in a short period of time. Limitations of applicability of the obtained GMPEs are determined only by the representativeness of the sample of initial data.