New tools for rapid assessment of felt reports and case study in Sakhalin Island
1 Geophysical Technologies LLC, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia
2 Far East Geological Institute, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia
Journal: Problems of Engineering Seismology
Tome: 49
Number: 3
Year: 2022
Pages: 54-74
UDK: 550.34.052
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Konovalov A.V., Stepnov A.A., Bogdanov E.S., Dmitrienko R.Yu., Orlin I.D., Sychev A.S., Gavrilov A.V., Manaychev K.A., Tsoy A.T., Stepnova
Yu.A. New tools for rapid assessment of felt reports and case study in Sakhalin Island
// . 2022. Т. 49. № 3. С. 54-74. DOI:
author = "Konovalov, A. V. and Stepnov, A. A. and Bogdanov, E. S. and Dmitrienko, R. Yu. and Orlin, I. D. and Sychev, A. S. and Gavrilov, A. V. and Manaychev, K. A. and Tsoy, A. T. and Stepnova
, Yu. A.",
title = "New tools for rapid assessment of felt reports and case study in Sakhalin Island
journal = "Problems of Engineering Seismology",
year = 2022,
volume = "49",
number = "3",
pages = "54-74",
doi = "",
language = "English"
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Keywords: earthquake, seismic monitoring, strong ground motion, seismic hazard, automated system, intensity, felt report, Sakhalin Island
Аnnotation: Automated assessment of the felt reports in accordance with the regionalized DYFI questionaries were implemented on mobile applications and messengers of the seismological service The new tool was tested in Sakhalin Island considered as an active crustal region. We have developed the regression relationship between the peak ground acceleration and the community internet intensity for the studied area. The community internet intensity calculated from a large number of felt reports has a variance comparable to those given from a prediction equation of the physically based ground motion parameters. The given approach is considered as a state-of-art tool for the rapid collecting and assessment of the macroseismic data. It may be used both with the weighted average method for generating high-quality shaking maps immediately following the felt earthquake. It is also a good way to involve the population in the ground shaking measures.