Features of the structure and formation of dislocations in the section of the Mikulinsky (Q31) lacustrine sediments of the Dmitrov quarry (Moscow region)
1 Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences
2 Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography
3 People’s Friendship University of Russia
Journal: Problems of Engineering Seismology
Tome: 49
Number: 2
Year: 2022
Pages: 41-55
UDK: 550.394.4; 551.243.1; 551.243.3; 551.312.48; 551.345.3; 551.435.627
DOI: 10.21455/VIS2022.2-2
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S.F E.S. Features of the structure and formation of dislocations in the section of the Mikulinsky (Q31) lacustrine sediments of the Dmitrov quarry (Moscow region) // . 2022. Т. 49. № 2. С. 41-55. DOI: 10.21455/VIS2022.2-2
author = "Gorbatov
S.F, E. S.",
title = "Features of the structure and formation of dislocations in the section of the Mikulinsky (Q31) lacustrine sediments of the Dmitrov quarry (Moscow region)",
journal = "Problems of Engineering Seismology",
year = 2022,
volume = "49",
number = "2",
pages = "41-55",
doi = "10.21455/VIS2022.2-2",
language = "English"
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Keywords: lacustrine sediments, silts, gittia, gravity tectonics, faults, liquefaction structures, seismites, aseismic regions, Moscow Syneclise, Baltic Shield
Аnnotation: А complex of dislocations is described (extended gentle faults with a displacement of up to 1 m, falling to the center of the lens, steep faults with displacements of 5–20 cm), liquefaction structures (angular pseudonodules of sands in silts) near fault and near-strike-slip fault folds in the section of a large lens of the Mikulinskiy lacustrine-swamp sediments (interbedded silt with a horizon of peat and clayey gitti) of the aseismic region of the Russian Plate (Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya ridge) in order to compare them with similar structures of the Baltic Shield, the seismogenicity of which is being discussed. It has been shown that the stratum was not subject to periglacial phenomena such as glaciotectonics, glaciokarst, cryogenic deformations, the presence of which and pseudomorphism along polygonal-veined ice was noted only in the roof of the Mikulinskiy interglacial complex. A model of the formation of dislocations as a result of the slumping of a layer of silt with uneven subsidence of the underlying layers of the peat sediments, which is strongly compacted during lithogenesis, is proposed, which explains the features of the kinematics of faults. The results obtained showed that the dislocations of the Mikulinsky complexes of the Dmitrovsky quarry do not fundamentally differ from similar structures of the Baltic Shield, which confirms their lithogenic or exogenic (rather than seismotectonic) genesis in both regions. The differences in the dislocation complexes of the two regions are in the different sequence of formation of liquefaction and faults structures: in the Dmitrov section, they were formed synchronously, in the sections of the Baltic Shield, asynchronously.