Problems of Engineering Seismology: article

Natural oscillations of a tower-type high-rise building: modes of horizontal, vertical and rotational oscillations according to the standing wave method and verification of the computational model
A.F. Emanov 1 A.M. Belostotsky 2,3 A.A. Bakh 1 E.A. Khoroshavin 4 D.S. Dmitriev 2 A.I. Nagibovich 2 A.A. Emanov 1,5 V.V. Yankaitis 1 N.A. Serezhnikov 1 A.G. Sheboltasov 1
1 Altay-Sayan Branch of the Geophysical Survey RAS 2 Scientific Research Center StaDiO 3 Moscow State University of Civil Engineering 4 Krasnoyarsk Rail Transport Institute – a branch of Irkutsk State Transport University 5 Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS
Journal: Problems of Engineering Seismology
Tome: 49
Number: 2
Year: 2022
Pages: 5-40
UDK: 550.834
DOI: 10.21455/VIS2022.2-1
Keywords: seismic effects, natural oscillations, standing wave method, seismic resistance, engineering seismology
Аnnotation: For a unique building in the form of a tower with a core of rigidity in the center, experimental studies of natural oscillations by the standing wave method with theoretical calculations based on a finite element model are performed and compared. From the experiment, 10 translational horizontal modes of natural oscillations, 5 torsional modes of natural oscillations and 8 vertical modes of natural oscillations were identified and investigated. According to the finite element model, the natural oscillations corresponding to all experimentally isolated modes of oscillations are calculated. The comparison of experiment and theory is carried out over the entire set of natural frequencies. Differences in natural frequencies reached 20%. After the studies, if possible, the correction of the computational model ensured the difference between the experiment and the theory in terms of the values of natural frequencies of no more than 7.5%. Verification of design models of buildings according to the standing wave method is an effective approach to assessing the physical condition of buildings and their seismic resistance.