Problems of Engineering Seismology: article

The Change of physical properties of arrays of mountain rocks as a result of industrial explosions in South Yakutiya
N. Grib1
A. Syasko1
V. Imaev2
G. Grib1
A. Kachaev1
1 Technical Institute branch of the North-Eastern Federal State University, Neryungri, Russia
2 Diamond and Precious Metal Geology Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yakutsk, Russia
Journal: Problems of Engineering Seismology
Tome: 44
Number: 1
Year: 2017
Pages: 57-70
UDK: 551.248(571.56)
DOI: 10.21455/VIS2017.1-3
Keywords: industrial explosions, magnetic field, electro-tomography, change of physical properties of mountain rocks, faults, seismological supervisions
Аnnotation: For purpose of estimation of influence of seismic effects from industrial explosions on the state of array of mountain rocks variations of physical properties of rocks were studied to the mass explosions and after them by the methods of electro-tomography, magnetometer, seismological supervisions. As a result of the experimental monitoring researches, on a geophysical type, chosen transversely one extending of regional fault of crossing the quarry field on a geophysical type, chosen transversely one extending of regional faults a secret crossing the quarry field of cut of «Neryungrinskii», supervisions were executed to the explosion, right after an explosion, and subsequent supervisions with an interval at one o’clock, meaningful changes of the magnetic field it is not marked after an explosion. The increase of electric resistance of mountain rocks of wing of tectonic violation is set, explosion located outside, electric resistance goes down in the area of rocks a secret. The change of physical properties of rocks strongly varies from the state of array of mountain rocks of melted/frozen than from power of the blown up charge.