Problems of Engineering Seismology: article

Paleoseismogenous deformations in the vicinity of Ulan-Bator according to geological and geophysical evidence
S. Demberel
G. Batarsuren
V.S. Imaev
A.L. Strom
O.P. Smekalin
A.V. Chipizubov
N.N. Grib
A.A. Syasko
A.V. Kachaev
Journal: Problems of Engineering Seismology
Tome: 37
Number: 3
Year: 2010
Pages: 45-54
Keywords: sesmogenous fault, escarp, trenching, paleoearthquake, geophysical structure, paleosoil horizont
Аnnotation: Paleoseismogenous deformations in the vicinity of Ulan-Bator according to geological and geophysical evidence