Seismic instruments: article

The structure of a basic software and hardware complex for the technical condition of buildings and structures seismometric monitoring system
E. Zolotukhin
A. Kuzmenko
V. Neskorodev
A. Komarov
V. Saburov
D. Korolenko
Institute of Computational Technologies, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk, Russia
Journal: Seismic instruments
Tome: 53
Number: 2
Year: 2017
Pages: 23-36
UDK: 004.3+550.34+69.058.8
DOI: 10.21455/si2017.2-2
Keywords: seismometric monitoring, dynamic characteristics, program-technical complex, monitoring of buildings and structures, measuring microseismic vibrations
Аnnotation: The purpose of this study is to develop a draft structure of a basic software and hardware complex for a building and structure seismic monitoring system which is recommended for serial production. To achieve this, the authors used modern methods and principles of software and technical systems design. The methodological basis of this system is the promising engineering-seismometric method. This method uses registration of spatial vibrations of an object under the influence of a microseismic background of natural and technogenic origin. The dynamic and elastic characteristics of a construction's structure are calculated by the detected oscillations, which allow evaluating its technical condition. As a result of these studies, the authors defined main technical and functional requirements, which the monitoring system should provide for a wide range of applications. They proposed for a discussion a three-level structure of a modular system for technical conditions monitoring. This structure will allow creating an extensible open system which can easily increase a number of measuring channels by increasing a number of standard plug-in modules. In addition, the system is capable of recording seismic events (earthquakes) as well as providing seismometric monitoring. To represent the main processes and the structure of the proposed basic system complex, the authors have developed a functional model of the system, while working with the most complete set of functions. The developed model is based on a data flow diagram describing the processes of collecting, processing, storing, analyzing and representing seismometric monitoring data. The article briefly describes the functionality of the proposed complex. The input data of the complex are the oscillations of the structure recorded at observation points using three-component geophones. The seismic signal recorder performs data collection, amplification, digitization and transmission to the server. The server registers either seismic events followed by an assessment of the impact on the construction, or performs a planned recording of microseismic oscillations to monitor the technical condition of the facility, storing the vibration data to the appropriate files. In case of an earthquake registration, the system notifies the responsible personnel. The data processing program uses recorded microseismic oscillations and calculates the statistical parameters of the oscillations and complex transfer functions, according to the spectra of which the operator manually detects the values of the natural frequencies. The data analysis program evaluates the elastic characteristics using a number of natural frequencies and a mathematical design model of the structure's oscillations. Based on the analysis of the changes in obtained dynamic and elastic characteristics, taking into account the influence of external factors the program generates information for monitoring of the structure's technical condition. These results, as well as the data of the seismic event impact assessment are the output of the system.