Science and technological developments: article

V.V. Gravirov R.A. Zhostkov A.N. Kotov S.A. Toshchov
Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences
Journal: Science and technological developments
Tome: 102
Number: 1
Year: 2023
Pages: 40-64
UDK: 004.32.26+550.34.64
DOI: 10.21455/std2023.1-3
Full text
Keywords: deep neural network, data preprocessing, optimization of the neural network structure, acoustic, magnetic and vibration field, laboratory experiment
Аnnotation: In this paper, we discuss the possibility of using a simple artificial neural networks (ANN) for the operational analysis of the physical fields of various sources in a metropolis. The work of ANN with acoustic, vibrational and magnetic signals is considered. Special attention is paid to the optimization of the topology and the main parameters of deep neural networks when working with the considered types of time series of data. The results of the application of ANN for the study of signals from model sources recorded in laboratory conditions and in the presence of urban background are presented.
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