Science and technological developments: article

Tectonic waves of remote strong earthquakes and their relation to hydrogeodeformation field
G. Kulikov1
A. Lygin2
A. Ryzhov3
1 FGUP Hydrospetsgeologiya, Moscow, Russia
2 Department of Gejlogical Basis, Science and Informatics, Federal Agency on Mineral Resources Rosnedra, Moscow, Russia
3 All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering GeologyFGUP VSEGINGEO, Moscow, Russia
Journal: Science and technological developments
Tome: 95
Number: 1
Year: 2016
Pages: 3-21
Keywords: : earthquake, orecast, hydrogeodeformation field, seismic hazard, prediction
Аnnotation: Tectonic waves of remote strong earthquakes and their relation to hydrogeodeformation field