Geophysical research: article

I.A. Boronin 1,2 T.V. Gudkova 1
1 Sсhmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2 Science Research Institute of Economics and Management in Gas Industry, LLC
Journal: Geophysical research
Tome: 25
Number: 3
Year: 2024
Pages: 48-61
UDK: 523.4, 519.688, 551.31
DOI: 10.21455/gr2024.3-3
Full text
Keywords: Monte Carlo method, inverse problem, Bayesian statistics, Markov chains, internal structure of the planets.
Аnnotation: Until recently, the choice of a model of the internal structure of a planet was carried out as a result of solving the direct problem based on its gravitational field data (mass, moment of inertia, tidal Love numbers k2) and the assumed geochemical composition. To match various model parameters with observed values, solving the inverse problem became relevant. One of the goals of this research is the development and implementation of a computational algorithm that will make it possible to easily and quickly add new initial data. At the first stage, a computational algorithm is created to determine the radial distributions of parameters of the internal structure of the planet from a set of observational data. Using the Bayesian approach to statistics, an inverse problem is formulated and solved using the Monte Carlo method with Markov chains. The probabilistic approach to solving the inverse problem significantly simplifies the problem of matching model parameters that satisfy observational data and a priori data. The Bayesian approach to statistics provides the ability to take into account the correspondence between the initial information about the model and the observed data. The verification of the implemented computational algorithm was carried out on the classical model example of the inversion of gravitational field data. The results of the numerical experiment are presented graphically. The peculiarity of the algorithm for solving the problem is the complete independence of the calculation of each Markov chain from the others. The task is easily distributed evenly across all computing cores of a computer or cluster, which allows a multiple reduction in the running time of the computational algorithm, which is important in the future when increasing the input parameters. At the second stage of the work, it is planned to use the presented computational algorithm in order to find the distributions of parameters in the interiors of planets based on known observational data.
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