Geophysical research: article

A.A. Soloviev 1,2 I.A. Lisenkov 1
1 Geophysical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences 2 Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences
Journal: Geophysical research
Tome: 25
Number: 2
Year: 2024
Pages: 20-45
UDK: 550.34.013.4
DOI: 10.21455/gr2024.2-2
Full text
Keywords: multivariate data analysis, geospatial data, machine learning, GIS, convolutional neuron networks, decision trees, geological and geophysical data, spatial correlation of geophysical fields, Russian Arctic.
Аnnotation: This paper provides an overview of the application of modern approaches to the collection and combined anal-ysis of digital geodata in geophysical problems that involve the search for internal patterns in such data. In particular, the problems of identifying informative features when recognizing strong earthquake-prone areas, assessing attributes of potential geothermal reservoirs and minerals using indirect geodata, defining spatial correlations in geophysical fields, geological structures, and geotectonic processes etc. are considered. It is shown that such studies are quite limited to a narrow semantic formulation of the problem implying analysis of small and predefined data sets. During the analysis, types and structures of source data are determined, as well as their availability for conducting of relevant computational experiments. The concept of a generalized array of geological and geophysical information is introduced and the need to form a unified structure for storing geospatial data is substantiated. Such structure is necessary for the assessment of geological and geophysical parameters using well-established classical geoinformatics approaches and modern data analysis algorithms based on machine learning and artificial neural networks. A general statement of the problem is formulated for a comprehensive analysis of the entire variety of available geodata to assess the spatial distribution of individual geological and geophysical parameters. This statement of the problem is necessary for planning further stages of the study for collecting and processing of data. The general principles for the formation of software and hardware infrastructure for collecting and processing geodata to solve the problem are given. To demonstrate the prospects of the proposed approach within the framework of the formulated general problem, the results of applying classical machine learning algorithms on a limited sample of geodata are presented. The efficiency of the classification results in this experiment exceeds 90 %.
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