Institute of Geology of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Journal: Geophysical research
Tome: 23
Number: 4
Year: 2022
Pages: 73-86
UDK: 550.838; 550.380
DOI: 10.21455/gr2022.4-5
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author = "Prokopovich
A.S, P. F.",
journal = "Geophysical research",
year = 2022,
volume = "23",
number = "4",
pages = "73-86",
doi = "10.21455/gr2022.4-5",
language = "English"
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Keywords: geomagnetic field, aeromagnetic survey, low-altitude measurements, powered paraglider, gabbro intrusion, mapping.
Аnnotation: Low-altitude aeromagnetic surveying can effectively provide a high-resolution mapping of geological structures and the direct exploration of mineral deposits. Along with the growing popularity of unmanned aerial vehicles, there is the possibility of carrying out aeromagnetic work using a manned gliding powered paraglider. In this article, the magnetic survey results using a powered paraglider and an original design of a magneticmeasuring suspension at flight altitudes of 60, 120, and 180 m. There were considered for mapping the contact of an intrusive body – the Ropruchey sill of gabbro dolerites with host quartzite sandstones. Airborne measurements were performed along a given profile with a standard proton magnetometer, which small measurement discretization imposed restrictions on the flight speed. The reliability of the data obtained was assessed by comparing
flight and ground measurements relative to the stationing of the reference profile. The general part of the residuals was local anomalies, interpreted as significantly fractured zones of the gabbro dolerite massif. The established regularities in the distribution of the magnetic field made it possible to determine the optimal height of aerial photography from a paraglider in the range of 60–100 m. For such an altitude interval, sufficient resolution is maintained, which makes it possible to detect small-scale objects, but at the same time, the flight is carried out at a safe altitude. The obtained results testify the productivity of the proposed approach in solving separate geological exploration tasks in rough terrain or in difficult (winter) weather conditions.
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Onezhskaja paleoproterozojskaja struktura (geologija, tektonika, glubinnoe stroenie i mineragenija) (Onega Paleoproterozoicstructure (geology, tectonics, deep structure and minerageny)), Petrozavodsk: Karel'skii nauchnyi tsentr RAN, 2011, 431 p. [In Russian].
Parshin A.V., Morozov V.A., Blinov A.V., Kosterev A.N., Budyak A.E., Low-altitude geophysical magnetic prospecting based on multirotor UAV as a promising replacement for traditional ground survey, Geospatial Information Science, 2018, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 67-74. DOI: 10.1080/10095020.2017.1420508
Parshin A.V., Tsirel V.S., Rzhevskaja A.K., Methodological recommendations for the implementation of lowaltitude aeromagnetic survey using UAVs, in Materialy 12-oj mezhdunarodnoj shkoly-konferencii “Problemy Geokosmosa” (Proceedings of the 12th International School-Conference “Problems of Geo Cosmos”),
St. Petersburg, Izdatel'stvo VVM, 2018, pp. 190-195. [In Russian].
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Pirttijärvi M., Wieser C., Ryssänlampi magnetic survey using Radai's UAV system in winter conditions, Detailed Survey Report, Oulu, Finland, Radai Oy, 2016, 28 p.
Reford S., Gradient enhancement of the total magnetic field, The Leading Edge, 2006, vol. 25, pp. 59-66. DOI: 10.1190/1.2164757
Ryazantsev P.A., The complex geophysical cross section of the Roprucheysky gabbro-dolerite sill at the Rzhanoe-Anashkino site, Trudy Karel'skogo nauchnogo centra RAN (Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of RAS), 2012, no. 3, pp. 165-171. [In Russian].
Semenova M.P., Tsirel V.S., Development prospects unmanned air geophysics, Razvedka i ohrana nedr (Prospect and protection of mineral resources), 2016, no. 8, pp. 34-39. [In Russian].
Syasko A.A., Grib N.N., Imaev V.S., Imaeva L.P., Kolodeznikov I.I., Detailed airborne geophysical survey of complexly dislocated strata in the Sutam terrane (Aldan shield) during studies of iron-ore deposits, Geodinamika i tektonofizika (Geodynamics and Tectonophysics), 2020, vol. 11, pp. 141-150. [In Russian]. DOI: 10.5800/GT-2020-11-1-0468
Tuck L., Samson C., Polowick C., Laliberté J., Real-time compensation of magnetic data acquired by a single rotor unmanned aircraft system, Geophysical Prospecting, 2019, vol. 67, pp. 1637-1651.
Walter C., Braun A., Fotopoulos G., High-resolution unmanned aerial vehicle aeromagnetic surveys for mineral exploration targets, Geophysical Prospecting, 2020, vol. 68, pp. 334-349. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2478.12914
Walter C.A., Braun A., Fotopoulos G., Impact of three-dimensional attitude variations of an unmanned aerial vehicle magnetometry system on magnetic data quality, Geophysical Prospecting, 2019, vol. 67, pp. 465-479. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2478.12727
Wood A., Cook I., Doyle B., Cunningham M., Samson C., Experimental aeromagnetic survey using an unmanned air system, The Leading Edge, 2016, vol. 35, pp. 270-273. DOI: 10.1190/tle35030270.1
Caron R., Samson C., Straznicky P., Ferguson S., Sander L., Aeromagnetic surveying using a simulated unmanned aircraft system, Geophysical Prospecting, 2014, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 352-363.
Epov M.I., Firsov A.P., Zligostev I.N., Savluk A.V., Bondarenko A.Y., Weisman P.A., Kolesov A.S., Sheremet A.S., Low-altitude aeromagnetic survey: Drones and high frequency magnetometers. Experiences and perspectives, in 7th EAGE Saint Petersburg International Conference and Exhibition: Understanding the
Harmony of the Earth's Resources through Integration of Geosciences, 2016, pp. 249-253. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201600275
Firsov A.P., Zlygostev I.N., Dyadkov P.G., Savluk A.V., Veisman P.A., Vald A.K., Sheremet A.S., Yevmenov N.D., The use of high-frequency magnetometer for light UAV geological and geophysical studies of volcanic pipes, Interjekspo Geo-Sibir' (Interexpo GEO-Siberia), 2015, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 299-304. [In Russian].
Gromov Ju.A., Otchet o rezul'tatah prognozno-geofizicheskih rabot masshtaba 1:50000 partii №8 i partii №7 na Prionezhskoj ploshhadi v 1977 i 1981 godah (Report on the results of predictive and geophysical survey on a scale of 1: 50,000 batch No. 8 and batch No. 7 on the Prionezhskaya area in 1977 and 1981), TGF po Respublike Karelija, 1982, 157 p. [In Russian].
Korotkov V.V., Glinskiy N.A., Kirsanov V.N., Kleper N.B., Kuznecova A.V., Tsirel V.S., Surveying with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles – a new stage in the development of domestic airborne geophysics, Rossijskij geofizicheskij zhurnal (Russian geophysical journal), 2014, no. 53–54, pp. 122-126. [In Russian].
Lee M., Morris W., Quality assurance of aeromagnetic data using lineament analysis, Exploration Geophysics, 2013, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 104-113. DOI: 10.1071/eg12034
Lee M., Morris W., Harris J., Leblanc G., A network extraction tool for mineral exploration: a case study from the Wopmay Orogen, Northwest Territories, Canada, Exploration Geophysics, 2012, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 116-124. DOI: 10.1071/EG11045
Malehmir A., Dynesius L., Paulusson K., Paulusson A., Johansson H., Bastani M., Wedmark M., Marsden P., The potential of rotary-wing UAV-based magnetic surveys for mineral exploration: A case study from central Sweden, The Leading Edge, 2017, vol. 36, pp. 552-557. DOI: 10.1190/tle36070552.1
Onezhskaja paleoproterozojskaja struktura (geologija, tektonika, glubinnoe stroenie i mineragenija) (Onega Paleoproterozoicstructure (geology, tectonics, deep structure and minerageny)), Petrozavodsk: Karel'skii nauchnyi tsentr RAN, 2011, 431 p. [In Russian].
Parshin A.V., Morozov V.A., Blinov A.V., Kosterev A.N., Budyak A.E., Low-altitude geophysical magnetic prospecting based on multirotor UAV as a promising replacement for traditional ground survey, Geospatial Information Science, 2018, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 67-74. DOI: 10.1080/10095020.2017.1420508
Parshin A.V., Tsirel V.S., Rzhevskaja A.K., Methodological recommendations for the implementation of lowaltitude aeromagnetic survey using UAVs, in Materialy 12-oj mezhdunarodnoj shkoly-konferencii “Problemy Geokosmosa” (Proceedings of the 12th International School-Conference “Problems of Geo Cosmos”),
St. Petersburg, Izdatel'stvo VVM, 2018, pp. 190-195. [In Russian].
Pirttijärvi M., Ryssänlampi magnetic survey using Radai UAV system and its comparison to airborne and ground magnetic data of GTK, Detailed Survey Report, Oulu, Finland, Radai Oy, 2015, 26 p.
Pirttijärvi M., Wieser C., Ryssänlampi magnetic survey using Radai's UAV system in winter conditions, Detailed Survey Report, Oulu, Finland, Radai Oy, 2016, 28 p.
Reford S., Gradient enhancement of the total magnetic field, The Leading Edge, 2006, vol. 25, pp. 59-66. DOI: 10.1190/1.2164757
Ryazantsev P.A., The complex geophysical cross section of the Roprucheysky gabbro-dolerite sill at the Rzhanoe-Anashkino site, Trudy Karel'skogo nauchnogo centra RAN (Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of RAS), 2012, no. 3, pp. 165-171. [In Russian].
Semenova M.P., Tsirel V.S., Development prospects unmanned air geophysics, Razvedka i ohrana nedr (Prospect and protection of mineral resources), 2016, no. 8, pp. 34-39. [In Russian].
Syasko A.A., Grib N.N., Imaev V.S., Imaeva L.P., Kolodeznikov I.I., Detailed airborne geophysical survey of complexly dislocated strata in the Sutam terrane (Aldan shield) during studies of iron-ore deposits, Geodinamika i tektonofizika (Geodynamics and Tectonophysics), 2020, vol. 11, pp. 141-150. [In Russian]. DOI: 10.5800/GT-2020-11-1-0468
Tuck L., Samson C., Polowick C., Laliberté J., Real-time compensation of magnetic data acquired by a single rotor unmanned aircraft system, Geophysical Prospecting, 2019, vol. 67, pp. 1637-1651.
Walter C., Braun A., Fotopoulos G., High-resolution unmanned aerial vehicle aeromagnetic surveys for mineral exploration targets, Geophysical Prospecting, 2020, vol. 68, pp. 334-349. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2478.12914
Walter C.A., Braun A., Fotopoulos G., Impact of three-dimensional attitude variations of an unmanned aerial vehicle magnetometry system on magnetic data quality, Geophysical Prospecting, 2019, vol. 67, pp. 465-479. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2478.12727
Wood A., Cook I., Doyle B., Cunningham M., Samson C., Experimental aeromagnetic survey using an unmanned air system, The Leading Edge, 2016, vol. 35, pp. 270-273. DOI: 10.1190/tle35030270.1