Application of optimization algorithms for solving marine seismic survey planning problems with bottom stations in the Arctic shelf
1 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia
2 LLC “Center for Engineering and Technology MIPT”, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia
3 Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
4 JSC “MAGE”, Moscow, Russia
Journal: Geophysical research
Tome: 23
Number: 2
Year: 2022
Pages: 55-72
UDK: 550.8.024, 51-73
DOI: 10.21455/gr2022.2-4
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Zaytsev S.V., Tikhotskiy S.A., Silaev A.V., Ananiev A.A., Uzhegov D.V., Kudryashev I.Yu., Vasekin B.V., Kondrashenko S.I., Khlyupin A.N., Kulygin D.A., Bazilevich S.O. Application of optimization algorithms for solving marine seismic survey planning problems with bottom stations in the Arctic shelf // . 2022. Т. 23. № 2. С. 55-72. DOI: 10.21455/gr2022.2-4
author = "Zaytsev, S. V. and Tikhotskiy, S. A. and Silaev, A. V. and Ananiev, A. A. and Uzhegov, D. V. and Kudryashev, I. Yu. and Vasekin, B. V. and Kondrashenko , S. I. and Khlyupin, A. N. and Kulygin, D. A. and Bazilevich, S. O.",
title = "Application of optimization algorithms for solving marine seismic survey planning problems with bottom stations in the Arctic shelf",
journal = "Geophysical research",
year = 2022,
volume = "23",
number = "2",
pages = "55-72",
doi = "10.21455/gr2022.2-4",
language = "English"
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Keywords: marine seismic survey, seismic survey planning, transition zone, optimal planning, artificial intelli- gence, optimization algorithms, Dubins path, Traveling Salesman Problem
Аnnotation: The paper presents an algorithm for optimizing the trajectories and movement sequence of a fleet of marine seismic survey vessels in solving the problem of marine seismic surveys using bottom stations, based on solving the traveling salesman problem with mixed delivery and collection of goods, known in the literature as TSPDC (Traveling Salesman Problem with mixed Delivery and Collections). A description of the algorithm extension to a problem that takes into account static closed zones that simulate ice and meteorological conditions unsuitable for the ship movement is given. The Dubins path algorithm provides a path close to the minimum and it takes into account the real characteristics of the ship movement and its speed when performing various types of work (installing bottom stations, collecting stations, maneuvering, etc.).
The scientific novelty of the study lies in the application of the TSPDC problem solution to the problems of marine geophysics with the condition of presence of closed zones and the development of an algorithm for optimizing the work of seismic vessels using bottom stations, which is relevant in the conditions of the Arctic shelf during the period of limited navigation. The algorithm described in the article makes it possible to take into account the return of the vessel for collecting equipment when working with bottom stations in the transit zone.
The developed algorithm for planning marine seismic surveys formed the basis of the application software. The formalization of the problem, the results of the algorithm and examples of planning on test data are given. Additionally, the possible limitations for the developed algorithm are raised.
The obtained results are applicable for further use in the implementation of tasks to optimize the work plan for marine seismic surveys with several vessels, both when planning seismic surveys and when adjusting plans directly on the ship. The use is also justified if it is necessary to re-enter the profile (for example, when reworking out a defective work area).
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Vermeer G., Acquisition/Processing - 3D seismic survey design optimization, The Leading Edge, 2003, vol. 22, no. 10, 9 p.
Zaycev S.V., Tikhotskii S.A., Silaev S.V., Anan'ev A.A., Orlov R.V., Uzhegov D.V., Kudryashev I.Yu., Vasekin B.V., Kondrashenko S.I., Bazilevich S.O., Application of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms to Optimal Planning of Offshore Seismic Works, Doklady Earth Sciences, 2021а, vol. 501, pp. 1074-1080.
Zaycev S.V., Vasekin B.V., Filippov D.D., Erofeev A.A., Tihockij S.A., An expert system to support operational decision making in offshore seismic surveys, Svidetel'stvo o gosudarstvennoi registratsii programmy dlya EVM No 2021666605. vydano 18.10.2021b. [In Russian].